The South Shore Soccer Club has a path for all players, of all skill sets and all desires of play!!
All players have a place to play within our community.

The South Shore Soccer Club has a path for all players, of all skill sets and all desires of play!! All players have a place to play within our community.
The Aspiring Player Program was introduced, and designed, to strengthen the youth soccer program within our community.
Over the years, the landscape of our sport has evolved into for-profit enterprises leaving significant numbers of our young athletes and passionate soccer players without a club, team or sense of community to play in. Being told "sorry you're not good enough" or, "congratulations you made the team. Your registration fee is $$$$."
But, we are not seeing the bigger picture - Soccer is much more than a competition! Some of the best players on Long Island simply want to play, have fun, and yes - win some games! But when their U19 season ends, they continue to play the sport they love for fun.
Yes, there are MANY players who want "more." They want a pathway to college, higher competition, etc... They want championships, trophies, tournaments at Disney's ESPN Zone.
At South Shore Soccer Club, we have designed a pathway for all players. It's Simple...
Join our Aspiring Players Program -> train, develop your skills, have fun! -> Move on to travel; Do you want to play recreational or competitive? You decide! -> Aspire for higher levels of Competition? Get Invited to join Lions United FC premier teams!
Our coaches use the sport and training;
- to give our young athletes a connection to a community and team
- to reinforce the values and rewards of working together